Renewal and Reconstruction, Moving Towards the Light | Austa Brand Logo New Upgrade


Holding the vision of Global Smart Optical Storage Integrated Solution Provider, Austa upgraded the brand logo with a fresh look……

C&I Projects | Austa 0.5MW/1MWh Zhoushan Ningshing Ship Project


Against the backdrop of the national "Dual Carbon" goals and the industry's major trend of constructing a "New Energy-dominated Power System,"……

Candy factories can also use photovoltaics! Austa helps green and low-carbon production


Recently, the distributed industrial and commercial photovoltaic project jointly launched by Donia and Austa, officially started……

Austa, Global Smart Optical Storage Integrated Solution Provider


Ningbo Austa Solar Tech Co., LTD. is a subsidiary of OSDA group responsible for the research, development, production and sales of solar inverter and battery storage package.